once i quickly dug through all of the packing peanuts (some of which i might add were dissolvable, but not all of them. less than a third! why not do them all?!) i located her exact position in the box. it was time to bring her out and show her our world! ( i know i am a dork, you don't have to tell me that!) WOW, what a great picture of me! whatever... i finally felt like i could get great things done with her.
after all of the excitement in our home, or my head, i can't remember which.... i figured i needed to give her a name. we would be working A LOT together over my next few decades of life, so she needed to have something special. i was thinking it needed to be something memorable, and that i could laugh and cry too. hmmmmmm, gerti or gert for short. i like that.
i will stop talking now and let you see GERT. expect to see great things from her and i, and some failures too i am sure. but hopefully most of all, a lot of fun.